A Layperson’s Guide to the Law of Director’s Duties

Most businesses in Australia are run through a company. Almost invariably then, if you’re a business owner, you will also be a company director.

You may even be a director of a company, but have little to do with running its business. For example, your spouse may have asked you to be a director.

RPO vs Permanent Placements

Recruitment Process Outsourcing ("RPO") is to Permanent Placement as UBER is to the Taxi Industry.

At first I was skeptical of UBER as a Competitor to the well-established Taxi Industry. How could it possibly work? What were the benefits?

Discovering that UBER was easy to use, and that the service delivery was in complete contrast to what I knew, was refreshing, and the people behind the wheel were friendly and motivated by Customer Service.

Improving Your Concentration at Work – How to

Everyone has times when they lack their usual focus - and the distractions seem to mount up around them. Fortunately, improving your concentration at work can be made much easier by adopting some or all of the following tips. As the author of Hack Your Brain, Elie Venezky says: the key to improving your concentration at work is to change the way you view it.

5 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity

The happiness of your workers can make or break a workplace. Therefore, in order for an organisation to thrive and be more productive, it is essential to take the time to develop your employees. This is because research has shown that employers have the biggest influence on the happiness, productivity and morale of their staff.

Continuous Performance Management Drives Organisational Change

Annual Performance Reviews have long been an integral part of Human Resource operations. However, many of today’s organisations are now ditching the Annual Performance Reviews in favour of Continuous Performance Management (CPM). This is because CPM is regarded as more effective by many organisations as it allows them to assess employee performance on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

How to Keep Your Team Motivated

Keeping your employees happy and motivated isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Achieving and maintaining a well-motivated and efficient team can be a tricky operation: especially these days, as managers juggle the realities of a difficult and ever-changing economy with the needs of their staff.

How to Encourage Managers to Communicate Change

Open and honest communication between management and staff is of course, crucial when communicating change. However, when implementing this change management, there are some very different challenges involved for the leader than for the rest of the team.

Why we need dignity in the workplace more than ever

Maintaining dignity and self-esteem in the workplace is hugely important for employees. However, sometimes progressing smoothly and with self-respect in your chosen career is not always as easy as you might think. There can be many pitfalls and obstacles along the way; and this is why both retaining and improving your self-esteem and dignity is so high on the agenda for many employees.

How to Improve Your Concentration at Work

Everyone has times when they lack their usual focus - and the distractions seem to mount up around them. Fortunately, improving your concentration at work can be made much easier by adopting some or all of the following tips. As the author of Hack Your Brain, Elie Venezky says: the key to improving your concentration at work is to change the way you view it.

Make the Most of Your High-Performing Talent

Talent management is crucial for the success of your business.

So how can you apply the best talent management processes to your company - and make the most of your high-performing talent? The international SAP Success Factors HR Software Group recommends implementing a strategic talent management plan that enables organisations to become ‘proactive’ rather than ‘reactive’.

As part of the plan, leaders are encouraged to identify the most important skills for their employees: concentrating mainly on key developmental areas.