Performance Management Drives Organisational Change

Annual Performance Reviews have long been an integral part of Human Resource operations. However, many of today’s organisations are now ditching the Annual Performance Reviews in favour of Continuous Performance Management (CPM). This is because CPM is regarded as more effective by many organisations as it allows them to assess employee performance on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

How to Attract and Retain Top Talent – Some Tips

At a time when the bottom line is becoming top priority - the importance of both attracting and retaining top talent cannot be overstated. And research has shown one of the best ways to do this is to ensure your organisation’s leaders are performing at their peak, and with optimum efficiency.

Tips to Prevent Heat Fatigue at Work

Dealing with excessive heat is a fact of life for many workers – especially in Western Australia where hot workplaces are commonplace. And with summer approaching, it is even more important workers are aware of the pitfalls of working in hot conditions.

Working In Confined Spaces – How To Stay Safe

Good Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) procedures are a vital component of any workplace. If carried out incorrectly, this practice can be fraught with danger and possible hazards. Many workers are injured and killed each year while working in confined spaces with incredibly, an estimated 60 per cent of these fatalities occurring among the would-be rescuers!

A confined space can be more hazardous than regular work spaces for many reasons.

Slips & Trips: A Checklist To Minimise The Risk

“Slips and trips”, it doesn’t sound ominous or dangerous, but don’t be fooled. Slips and trips account for ~20% of all lost time injuries every year. They can result in serious injuries and lengthy periods of time off work. Injuries to feet and ankles, which can prevent you from driving and walking or being on your feet at all, have a considerable impact on your home life as well as work.

What To (Really) Look Out For When Choosing A Labour Hire Company

There are many different aspects to consider when choosing a labour hire company.

For example, you may need a company with specific industry expertise - which will ensure they have the capability to recruit for your specific industry. Another important factor is ease of operation - which is essential for a stress-free recruitment experience and satisfactory end result.

The Benefits Of Using A Labour Hire Company

Employing the right workers is the key to a successful business.
And the best and most cost-effective way to do this is to use the services of a proven and respected labour hire company.
An efficient, competent labour hire company can create a ‘win-win’ situation for your business by solving all of your long and short-term labour needs - and generating both project success and client satisfaction.

Labour Hire – How To Make It Work For Your Business

As a client of a labour hire company, you may be wondering what is the best way to utilise this relationship to the benefit of your business. Perhaps you’re thinking, “how can I get the best from my labour hire company?”. As hundreds of companies each year invest their trust in labour hire organisations, they must consider how best to use this valuable resource.

The importance of good employee engagement

Recent research has shown that for many employees, attaining job satisfaction and better job engagement is all about feeling that their ideas are welcomed, and that they are being taken seriously.

If they can at least in part, influence the direction of their organisation, and have input that is genuinely valued, then this is a huge step towards an employee feeling engaged and empowered.